Anderson just thought that he hates me...I know that. I read his mind.
I said sorry to the potty for peeing on it.
Anderson: She threw a snowball at me!
Laurian: That's what snowballs are all about, Anderson!
If you don't like me, God won't like you.
For my birthday, I want an American Girl doll and another real brother.
Sister, how can you do two things at a time?
Today you can't get me in trouble because it's President's Day.
Did Calvin (our dog) come out of your tummy?
My favorite part of a funeral is the gunshots.
Monsters are bigger than snowflakes.
Mommy: You're not being nice, Anderson.
Anderson: Yes, I'm being nice. I'm being nice to myself but not to Lainey.
Mom, God tells you to stop talking.
You're the awesomest thing ever, Lainey. No, just joking. God is the awesomest thing ever. But you're the best sister ever.
Mom, tonight are we going to Chapanese? (restaurant)