Lainey's Message from Santa

Lainey received a message from Santa. Click here to see it.

Laurian's Message from Santa

Laurian received a message from Santa. Click here to see it.

Anderson's Message from Santa

Anderson received a personal message from Santa. Click here to see it.

Kid Speak...

I'll break your computer because I don't like you doing computer stuff.

You're actually not the nicest guy ever, Daddy. God is.

Is God bigger than Uncle Matt?

Is Lainey non-fiction?

At the mall, can we see Easter the Rabbit sometime?

Mommy: Laurian, your room is a mess. You need to clean it up.
Laurian: Remember the 4th commandment, Mommy. Keep the Sabbath Day.

Do I have to die on the cross? (Easter weekend)

Is it Nice Friday yet? (the day before Good Friday)

I wish every day was the Sabbath.

Sister, when I'm an adult, can I borrow your DS? (Nintendo DS)

I wish my butt would light up. (while outside looking for lightning bugs)

The rest of the day, can I watch Pink Panter? (8:25am)

I have a forehead and Dad has a thirty-six head.

I want a football cake for my next birthday and a key lime party when I turn 6!

I don't like church...and I don't like mashed potatoes.

Kids Quotes

Anderson just thought that he hates me...I know that. I read his mind.

I said sorry to the potty for peeing on it.

Anderson: She threw a snowball at me!
Laurian: That's what snowballs are all about, Anderson!

If you don't like me, God won't like you.

For my birthday, I want an American Girl doll and another real brother.

Sister, how can you do two things at a time?

Today you can't get me in trouble because it's President's Day.

Did Calvin (our dog) come out of your tummy?

My favorite part of a funeral is the gunshots.

Monsters are bigger than snowflakes.

Mommy: You're not being nice, Anderson.
Anderson: Yes, I'm being nice. I'm being nice to myself but not to Lainey.

Mom, God tells you to stop talking.

You're the awesomest thing ever, Lainey. No, just joking. God is the awesomest thing ever. But you're the best sister ever.

Mom, tonight are we going to Chapanese? (restaurant)

Darth Vanderson

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from our family to yours!

Laurian's DSi Photos

Laurian got a Nintendo DSi for Christmas and has been having fun taking photos and editing them. Here are a few she would like to share with you! (The first photo is a card she made for Lainey's 1st birthday tomorrow.)