Lien Family Slide Show 2009

Carson Family Slide Show 2009

See Lainey on Santa's List

Lainey made Santa's List... see video here

See Laurian on Santa's List

Laurian made Santa's List... see video here

See Anderson on Santa's List

Anderson made Santa's List... see video here

'50s Christmas Card Attempt

Tim had this great idea to create a '50s inspired Christmas card this year after we found some really old glasses in my grandfather's attic. We didn't go with the '50s theme so I'll share the pictures we took here. We just couldn't get the right look. Any ideas for next year's theme?

Christmas Quotes...

I was thinking for Christmas this year we could go to Bethlehem.
~ Laurian

Laurian: Do you believe in Santa Claus, Mommy?
Mommy: No.
Laurian: Then you're on the naughty list.

I know something else I want for Christmas...lots and lots of sharpened pencils.

There's supposed to be one true Santa just like there's one true God.

Anderson: Sister, is Santa real?
Laurian: Yes.
Anderson: He is real, Daddy.
Laurian: Actually, no. Emily says he is but I say no. Daddy told me one time.......wait, he's not old enough. When he's five, I'll tell him.